Free Download PVS Studio free version standalone offline installer for Windows. It is a tool for detecting bugs and security weaknesses in the source code of programs written in C, C++, C#, and Java.
PVS-Studio performs static code analysis and generates a report that helps a programmer find and fix bugs. PVS-Studio performs a wide range of code checks; it is also helpful for searching for misprints and Copy-Paste errors. Examples of such errors: are V501, V517, V522, V523, and V3001.
The principal value of static analysis is its regular use, so errors are identified and fixed at the earliest stages. There is no point in wasting 50 hours looking for a bug that could find with static analysis. So, let’s point out that the main idea of static analysis is not to find one hidden bug on the day before the release but to fix dozens of bugs daily.
The analyzer can be run at night on the server and warn about suspicious code fragments. Ideally, these errors can be detected and fixed before getting into the repository. PVS-Studio can automatically be launched immediately after the compiler for the files just modified.